Cody Cottier, Discover Magazine, 6 Aug. 2022 Some scientists hope that a better understanding of the hedonic aspects of food choice can help in battling the obesity epidemic. 2012 Herlihy suggests that breaking up Live Nation could unleash market forces to fix the hedonic horror. Ed Yong, Discover Magazine, The odorous effluents were assigned 34 characteristic odors in three hedonic categories (neutral, pleasant and unpleasant). 2013 Obsessing over wealth is like being on a hedonic treadmill – continuously running to stay in the same emotional place. 2013 Food habituation/dishabituation has been observed in non-human primates in neurophysiological investigations of feeding, and in humans, through salivation or hedonic responses to food.
Seriously Science, Discover Magazine, 11 Dec. 2022 Subjects rated the drinks' hedonic and incentive value, familiarity and bitter intensity immediately after each stimulus presentation. Recent Examples on the Web The research ultimately revealed that the worms, like humans, engage in hedonic feeding - a phenomenon more commonly known as the munchies.